Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mah Dawg

So we got a puppy last week. His name is Raz. This is mostly what he does:

Nope, he's not dead. Just sleeping upside-down.

Is he really sleeping? Or is he just watching?

So yeah. He's pretty cool. It's only taken a couple days to housetrain him. He'll sit when you ask him to. Still working on leash training.

Observation: Leash train your dog indoors. There are too many distractions in a neighborhood. It's likely to frustrate both dog and owner. Outside is for after your pup knows to pay attention and heel. Not appreciating that set back leash training by a few days.

I did my best to do my homework on dog training. The most fun part? All kinds of things that aren't in the training book occur to you. Like, "I can associate a command with 'Go over the threshold of the door quickly so flies don't get into the house'". Once you've got the framework, you can do all kinds of interesting things.

For instance, the 'play fetch' game just kind of evolved. It was pretty simple to work out a series of reinforcements to turn the instinct into a game. Very fun.

So anyway, here's a video (from a few days ago, before he had worked out 'fetch'). He's a funny little guy.

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