Sunday, October 18, 2009

What I Did Last Weekend

So I go to take the dog outside, and some of the neighborhood kids rush up to me. It seems that someone (no one will own up to WHO) has peed in a plastic bottle, screwed on the lid, tied the bottle to a small bamboo stick, and thrown it up on the power line that runs above the cul de sac. It looks a little something like this.

Of course, they realized this was not a sustainable thing.

So how did we get it down? In the tradition of such luminaries as Neils Bohr and Ted Nugent, I twined together two long bamboo sticks, and fastened a sheetrock saw onto the end with electrical tape. If you've got a problem, yo I'll solve it, check out the hook while my DJ revolves it. Just be careful not to get any pee on you when the bottle falls.

So I took pictures of the pole. (Not a good phrase to Google...)

More Wort Filtering

So I brewed up some new beer yesterday. I based it on the recipe for Ruination IPA (just google for it, man). I tried the cheesecloth-in-a-strainer thing.

Here's the deal: There's way too much crud for a single sheet of cheesecloth to deal with.

So here's the plan for next time. I'm going to have TWO strainers, each with some cheesecloth. I'll use one at a time, so I can swap them out quickly. On top of the on in use goes my splatter guard, to catch the big stuff and make the cheesecloth last longer without getting clogged.

There's got to be a better way. Maybe strap the splatter guard to the top of the wort kettle, and then I can rinse it off from time to time?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yakety Raz

I produced a short film today that I think illustrates important truths about the human condition, and... oh wait, nevermind, I made a video of my dog running around. Much better.