Sunday, July 18, 2010

6.5 Gallon Carboy vs Vertical Epic 06-06-06 Clone

My local brew shop had a special this month on a clone of Stone Brewing's Vertical Epic 06-06-06, so I decided that would be a good brew to test my new glass carboy with.

So I did the partial mash/extract version of this recipe.  Nine (!) lb of Extra Light DME, plus an lb of some seriously dark crushed grain (Weyermann Carafa, I believe).  An ounce and a half of some very fruity smelling hops, unidentified.  (Need to ask Tom the beer guy next time I see him)

Anyway, the result is below.  After only about 16 hours, the beer is ready to blow the top off the airlock.  I've removed, sanitized, and refilled it a few times, but it doesn't take long for for the foam to start filling it up again.  This one is really rolling.  If I had a couple of 5 gallon carboys, I probably could've safely split the wort between them, and I'm still not sure I'd have had enough head space.

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