Saturday, January 29, 2011

More Brewing

Today I kegged Delicious Aloysius, which is full of Glacier hops and is named after an icy fictional detective.  A few weeks ago, the recipe went something like:

Delicious Aloysius

1 lb Briess Caramel 40L
6.6lb Extra Light Liquid Malt Extract
1 oz Glacier - 60 min
1 oz Glacier - 15 min
1 oz Tettnang - 0 min
Safeale US-05

Anyway, I had an idea.  I always spend a lot of time filtering the hops from my wort, and I figure the problem is my filters are too small.  The ideal case would be a tight screen about the size of a sheet pan, which attaches to a sheet pan with a hole in it.  I could attach some rails to it so I could slot a funnel onto the underside.  Then I could pour a lot more beer into the fermenter before I ran out of working filter medium.

So yeah, I'm going to see if I can find the parts to build such a thing.  Wish me luck.

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