Saturday, April 30, 2011

Clamz MP3 Downloader

Just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my shiny new SSD drive (I was going to have to double-install Windows 7, since I only had an upgrade - huge pain)

Anyway, it turns out that Amazon hasn't ever released a version of their MP3 downloader for 64-bit platforms.  So after some searching, I found clamz, which is a command line Amazon downloader.

The only deal is, when you go to the man page, it has no description of how to configure its config file.  So here's how I think it's done, after diving into the code. 
ForbidChars "!\"$*:;<>?\\`|~"
OutputDir "/nfs/music/${album_artist}/${album}"
NameFormat "${tracknum}. ${album_artist} - ${title}.${suffix}"
AllowUppercase True

At least I think that's right.  I haven't been able to find an example online anywhere.  So I'm going to go purchase an album and report back.

If every other mistake I made in Linux cost me five bucks, I would have been evicted from my house by now. 

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