Wednesday, June 23, 2010

She Lets Me In

From Big Smith, one of my favorite bands.  These are the chords played, as best I can figure them out.  Pretty all the verses have the CDG pattern except one.  These guys need to get up to Nashville so I don't need to drive 8 hours to see them.

(Mark Bilyeu / Jeff Wiens)
C        D          G
I was so sad and so lonely
C               D            G
Out walkin' the streets once again
C       D           G        C
She was chasin' the barflies out
         C   D  G
When she let me in

We talked a couple of hours
We shared a bottle of gin
We stammered and stumbled to her front door
When she let me in

The boys at the bar they amuse her
For a tip she might flash them a grin
But she saves up her laughter 'till after she's home
When she lets me in

F              G            C
Now there's no more sad and lonely nights
         F         G            C
When I'm near the warmth of her skin
F                  G          C             F
She turns back the covers and turns off the light
         F   G  C
And she lets me in

When I come home late from drinkin'
And runnin' around with my friends
You think she'd put me in the doghouse
But she lets me in

You ask what I treasure about her
It's hard to know where to begin
But I'll start with the way that she opens her heart
And she lets me in

Lead vocal: Mark
Banjo: Bill Thomas

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Whiteboard

The office I work at had this marked with a "Trash" sign on Friday.  As of Sunday, it's on my garage wall, and I've routed a well to hold markers in a scrap pine board from my shed. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Garden Notes for Next Year

First - turnips get too big for a square foot.  They crowd out plants around them.  The only way that's okay is if the plants around them are tall, like sunflowers or corn.

Second - start some stuff early next year.  For example, it would be great to have had marigolds to stink up the place earlier in the year.  This goes double for jalapenos and anaheims and such - they need a head start.  Same goes for the flowers by the mailbox.

Potatoes and arugula are two more that'll crowd their neighbors.  The thing to do would be to have a box of things like that, and then at harvest, replace it with late-planting stuff like corn, okra, sunflowers, etc.

I need:
Some sacks to bag up my compost
Pinwheels to scare off animals
Mole poison

New Beers

Bad Moon Ryesing
Brewed: May 26, 2010
Kegged: June 12, 2010
OG: 1.06-1.065

1lb Briess Caramel 20
6 lb Extra Light DME
1 lb Crystal Rye Malt

1 oz Cascade - 60 min
1 oz Simcoe - 30 min
1 oz Williamette - 15 min
1 oz Cascade - Dry hopped 2 days into fermentation

Just kegged this one.  It smelled real tasty.  We'll see in a couple weeks.  I'm a big fan of Terrapin's Rye Ale, so I figured I'd make something along the lines of an American Pale with a little rye.

The Adventures of Peat and Peat
Brewed: June 13, 2010
Kegging: Planned for June 28, 2010
OG: TBD - waiting for the foam to settle in my test tube

6.6 lb Amber Liquid Malt Extract
1 lb Crystal 80L
8 oz Victory
5 oz Peat Smoked Malt

1.5 oz Fuggles - 60 min
0.5 oz Fuggles - Dry hop 2-3 days into fermentation

I had a Peat Smoked beer in Seattle that I really liked, so I figured I'd make one.  I'm not sure whether 5 oz will be too strong - we'll have to wait and see.

I did change up my post-boil filtering method a little.  I basically dropped my small wire-mesh strainer into my larger metal strainer (which is big enough to sit on the lip of the bucket).  The combination of these two meant I could basically dump the whole boil into the bucket at once.  Rock.

 Anyway, all three of my kegs have run out within a few weeks of each other.  My Baby Bunny Brown Ale just got down to the yeasty crud at the bottom last night.  I guess that means I need to add another keg to reduce the risk of that happening again :)

More Garden

Since the last pictures, lots has happened.  I've harvested all my turnips, potatoes, and arugula.  Flowers have started blooming.  In the week since I've taken these pictures, lots of marigolds have opened up.