Sunday, June 13, 2010

Garden Notes for Next Year

First - turnips get too big for a square foot.  They crowd out plants around them.  The only way that's okay is if the plants around them are tall, like sunflowers or corn.

Second - start some stuff early next year.  For example, it would be great to have had marigolds to stink up the place earlier in the year.  This goes double for jalapenos and anaheims and such - they need a head start.  Same goes for the flowers by the mailbox.

Potatoes and arugula are two more that'll crowd their neighbors.  The thing to do would be to have a box of things like that, and then at harvest, replace it with late-planting stuff like corn, okra, sunflowers, etc.

I need:
Some sacks to bag up my compost
Pinwheels to scare off animals
Mole poison

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