Sunday, July 10, 2011

Projects Lately

Fixing the Trim
When we put in tile awhile back, I put the same baseboards back into the bathrooms and kitchen, and they looked terrible.  I'm finally getting around to replacing them.   Pics coming.

Android Progamming
Built my first hello world app last weekend.  Reading the O'Reilly Android book now.  Very fun stuff. 

Socks.  Yes, socks.
I've got a couple of pairs of running socks that I've owned for about six years, since I was living in Dallas.  This morning I put one on and it felt very weird, like it was pulling on the wrong side of my foot.  After a moment, light broke free of the clouds and granted me wisdom: These socks are left-right differentiated, and I was feeling the arch support on the wrong side of my foot.  One has a grey logo, and the other a black so you can tell them apart.  I've owned them for six years and had no idea (granted, I don't wear them often).

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