Saturday, March 6, 2010

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen

I present to you Death of a Joke: A Play in One Act, based on a shocking true story.


DANIEL, a WISE GUY, who mayhap thinks he is some sort of comedian or something

TRENT, a CASHIER, thoroughly familiar with both TRACTORS and SUPPLIES


Daytime, inside a Tractor Supply Company. DANIEL has just selected a dollar's worth of carriage bolts and a Diet Coke. He approaches the cash register.

TRENT: Wow, big spender today, huh?

DANIEL: Yep, sure am. I don't like to brag, but sometimes... [glances back and forth, gestures toward the Diet Coke]... I'll buy these six at a time.

TRENT: [pauses] So I guess you really like to drink them, then.

DANIEL: Well, they... er... come in six packs. [Takes receipt and leaves, dejected]


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