Sunday, March 28, 2010


Just kegged Baby Bunny Brown.  It's called that because it's a Brown Ale that's just a little hoppy.  *rimshot*

Baby Bunny Brown
Nugget - 1/2 oz - 60 min
Williamette - 3/4oz - 15 min
2 lb CaraRed
4 oz Chocolate Malt
1 lb Caramel 40
4 lb Extra Light DME
2 lb Pale Malt
Some sort of English-Aley yeast

This recipe had the most non-extract grain I'd ever used.  I ended up running water over the grain, sparge-style, to get all the goodness out when it was done steeping.  I also heated that water beforehand, so there wouldn't be so much of a wait between steep and boil.

Today, I'm making a traditional American Pale Ale.  Nothing too fancy.  I want a beer that folks will drink come pig-roast time.

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